Championing Responsible National Security Policy

With #ReleaseTheMemo, Nunes Hopes You Won’t Understand FISA

This week, the House Intelligence Committee voted along party lines to release a controversial Republican memo alleging improper political surveillance of President Donald Trump’s campaign. Although we don’t know the full contents of this memo, which was written by staff for Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), it’s clearly focused on accusing the Justice Department and the FBI of abusing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. But that focus misrepresents how FISA works, the checks that are in place and where the real risks for abuse reside.

FISA, a highly complex law, has two provisions particularly relevant to the Nunes memo and the hypocrisy surrounding the Republicans’ sudden concern about it.

Read more on HuffPost.

This post originally appeared on HuffPost with the headline "Republicans Crying To #ReleaseTheMemo Hope You Don’t Understand FISA."