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The Bunker: Undersea help wanted!

The Bunker: Undersea help wanted!

This week in The Bunker: The Navy is seeking 140,000 new workers to build subs; congressional Afghan-war panel not eager to assign responsibility; Pentagon mum on V-22 crashes; and more. Housekeeping note: The Bunker’s heading out on summer maneuvers, back on September 4.

July 24, 2024 | Mark Thompson

The Bunker: The Pentagon’s Sentinel addiction

The Bunker: The Pentagon’s Sentinel addiction

This week in The Bunker: The Pentagon’s recent decision to stick with the troubled new Sentinel ICBM program raises three questions: do we need it, how did its cost zoom, and why does it keep happening?; and more. 

July 17, 2024 | Mark Thompson

The Bunker: Latest Herd of Hardware Headaches

The Bunker: Latest Herd of Hardware Headaches

This week in The Bunker: the loony $12 billion battle over who gets to make sure the new ICBM fleet works; Star Wars’ new interceptor, along with prototypically poor Pentagon procurement practices, has a nearly $1 billion price tag; guess who pays if Mother Nature picks on parked F-35s; and more.

July 10, 2024 | Mark Thompson

The Bunker: Pentagon Pu Pu Platter

The Bunker: Pentagon Pu Pu Platter

This week in The Bunker: China-threat hyperbole soars ever higher; the officer in charge of building a new ICBM is fired; Biden slights troops who died on his watch; and more.

July 03, 2024 | Mark Thompson

The Bunker: Merger Myopia

The Bunker: Merger Myopia

This week in The Bunker: defense contractors have gotten too big to defend the nation; Pentagon weapons spend an entire decade in development before being fielded; a general faces court martial; and more.

June 26, 2024 | Mark Thompson

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