The POGO Merch Store is finally open!


Founded in 1981, the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is a nonpartisan independent watchdog that champions good government reforms. 

Mission and Values 

POGO champions reform to achieve a more effective, ethical, and accountable federal government that safeguards constitutional principles.   


We expose corruption and abuse of power in government and engage with policymakers to ensure the government is best serving the public. When we speak, leaders in Washington listen. 


We started in 1981 as a small Pentagon watchdog. Over the more than 40 years since, we’ve expanded our mission to focus on the entire federal government, fighting for a more effective, accountable, and equitable democracy. 

Our Team 

Our board and staff work each day for an effective and accountable government.  

Projects and Partnerships  

Since our founding in 1981, POGO has continued to grow, taking on new programs and entering into partnerships as we’ve expanded our effort to build a healthier democracy. 


View information about our contribution acceptance policy and financial information.  


Join the team at POGO to work toward a stronger democracy.