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Strengthening Checks and Balances

The Problem

The Problem

Our federal government was established with a system of checks and balances. The three branches of government — executive, legislative, and judicial — are meant to be co-equal, with each acting as a check on the others. When working properly, this system ensures that no single branch can act corruptly or abuse its authority without accountability. However, this balance of power has been thrown off. The executive and judicial branches have gained outsized power, while the legislative branch has ceded much of its power to act as a check on the other two. And all three branches face far too few consequences for acting unethically. We’re pushing for reforms that would restore the balance of power between the three branches and bring greater accountability to our system of government.

Collage of the Supreme Court, White House, and Capitol building
Our Priorities

Our Priorities

To revive our system of checks and balances, we’re working on reforms to ensure each branch is held accountable for corruption and abuse of power, and each has the resources it needs to operate effectively.

  1. Limiting Executive Overreach

    Limiting Executive Overreach

    The executive branch can too easily abuse its power with little consequence. We’re advocating for policies that would ensure the president and cabinet officials are accountable to the people.

    Collage of a person making a speech at a podium, government buildings, and the Secret Service
  2. Restoring the Public’s Faith in the Supreme Court

    Restoring the Public’s Faith in the Supreme Court

    The Supreme Court makes long-lasting decisions that impact the entire country. We’re pushing for reforms to ensure the court is worthy of the faith we place in it.

    Collage of a crowd of protestors in front of the Supreme Court
  3. Building a Better Congress

    Building a Better Congress

    Compared to the other two branches, Congress’s power is waning. That’s why we’re working with the legislative branch to bolster its ability to conduct oversight, claw back authority from the executive, and hold its own members accountable.

    Collage of the U.S. Capitol building, a presidential podium, and a group of Supreme Court justices
What’s at Stake

What's at Stake?

When Congress Calls, Executive Officials Aren’t Answering

The Justice Department has created loopholes that allow some executive officials to ignore congressional requests for testimony — and possibly escape accountability.

Our Highest Court Has the Weakest Ethics Rules

The highest court of the land does not have a binding code of conduct, even though other federal courts do. The nine justices with the power to overturn the nation’s laws should follow rules that ensure they’re acting in our best interests.

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Legislators with Glaring Conflicts of Interest Shape Our Laws

Because members of Congress can own and trade stocks, it’s possible their financial interests could influence how they legislate. Our elected representatives need stronger rules to ensure  they are acting without conflicts of interest.

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