Don Bell
Policy Counsel, The Constitution Project
Don Bell is policy counsel at The Constitution Project at POGO. In this role, Don manages the organization’s policy and legal advocacy portfolio to protect constitutional rights, particularly when threatened by our government’s domestic law enforcement surveillance practices. Previously, Don served as Assistant Director for Career Development at the University of Connecticut School of Law and Director of the Black Talent Initiative at the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. At the Joint Center, Don worked to increase diversity and inclusion among policymaking staff in Congress via applicant support, data analysis, and policy advocacy.
Don worked in the United States Senate as a postgraduate legal fellow to Senator Chris Murphy, judiciary staffer in the personal office of Senator Richard Blumenthal, and associate counsel then counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs. As a Senate staffer, Don was elected president of the Senate Black Legislative Staff Caucus (SBLSC). Don’s work and commentaries have been recognized by the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, ABC News, and other local and national outlets.
Don is a graduate of the University of Connecticut School of Law and University of Connecticut as an Honors Scholar. Don also serves as Vice Chair of the East Hartford, Connecticut Town Council and is licensed to practice law in Connecticut.
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