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September 17 is Constitution Day—the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution in Philadelphia in 1787. It’s an opportunity to celebrate our founding charter and the rights and liberties it enshrines, and a chance to take stock of the work that remains to ensure its protections extend to everyone in the country.

Above all, Constitution Day is an occasion for civic education. In fact, since 2004 Congress has mandated that all federal agencies and federally funded schools provide educational opportunities about the Constitution on the day.

Turn up the volume on our Constitution Day playlist!

This year, The Constitution Project at the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is taking a whole week to celebrate the Constitution. We’ll be posting a series of articles imagining life without key constitutional rights, and you can visit POGO’s Facebook page for an interactive adventure to see what could happen in a world without the Constitution. We’ll also be featuring interviews with experts who have dedicated their careers to defending the Constitution. As you explore our content, be sure to listen to our staff-curated Spotify playlist inspired by the 27 amendments—check it out below. Finally, on Friday, Constitution Project staff will hold a Twitter chat looking back at the week and previewing some of the work to come.

Listen: Constitution-Themed Playlist

In any event, we hope you enjoy this playlist on Constitution Day and any time you need a reminder of the individual rights and limits on government power found in our nation’s founding document (along with a handful of constitutional modifications to prevent repetition of past missteps…we’re looking at you, 12th Amendment!). 

We've included a table of the songs and corresponding amendments below.

Check back throughout the week to join our celebration of the Constitution!