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Readings in Military Reform

There are many reading lists, such as that of the Chief of Staff of the Army, on national security affairs. The bibliographies and readings lists recommended below are oriented toward a clear headed understanding of the nature of human conflict, positive (and some negative) examples of the conduct of military leaders, how to train and educate people to face the stress of combat (on and off the battlefield), winners and losers in combat hardware, an accurate accounting of US national defense spending, and what distinguishes real from phony reform in military affairs in the Pentagon, Congress, think tanks and the media.

The “Suggested Contacts, Readings and Websites” in the final (unnumbered) chapter of “The Pentagon Labyrinth: 10 Short Essays to Help You Through It.”

At the website for “The Pentagon Labyrinth,” there are additional “Materials Cited” for most of the chapters, providing additional readings beyond those listed in the “Selected Contacts Readings and Websites” chapter.

William S. Lind, former staffer to Senator Gary Hart (D-CO) and military reform advocate recommends a "Canon" of seven books to facilitate an understanding of warfare.