The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) is looking for interns to help POGO achieve a more effective, ethical, and accountable federal government that safeguards constitutional principles. Our investigations, analysis, and policy work touch on a variety of topics, including: defense spending; law enforcement’s use of surveillance technology; undue influence from industries like oil and gas drilling companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers; and strengthening government ethics standards and whistleblower protections.
At POGO, our interns are immersed in the gritty work of government oversight from day one. From attending meetings on Capitol Hill to combing through resources at the Library of Congress, you’ll be exposing problems that affect ordinary Americans and exploring solutions to present to Washington policymakers.
Most significantly, your work will continue to make an impact after your internship ends.
Types of Internships
- Graphic Design
- Congressional Oversight Initiative
- Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships
POGO is not currently hiring interns.
“POGO taught me to always be curious and the importance of your reputation and building relationships. DC is such a small town, and I saw firsthand how POGO's reputation made a difference - it felt like everyone in DC was a phone call away. I also learned the importance of integrity and work ethic. Everyone at POGO worked tirelessly and never compromised their values. Even though I was just an intern, I was treated like one of the team, and I've always remembered to treat our interns like I was treated at POGO.”
-POGO Intern 2009, current KPMG Consultant
“I learned a great deal about many things: how to manage a major research project; what some of the major structural problems are in our government; what approaches are likely to accomplish significant change. When I eventually decided to apply to law school, my experience at POGO was by far the biggest driver behind it. Not only did I write my application essay about my time at POGO, but I went to law school specifically to further the public service goals that my time at POGO helped me to recognize. Since then, I've had wonderful opportunities as a law clerk at a federal appeals court and as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney, but for sheer excitement there has never been anything that matched my time at POGO.”
-POGO Intern 2001, current Special Assistant U.S. Attorney
“I admired the dedication that everyone at POGO brought to their work, and I hope to emulate that commitment to the greater good. I also gained tangible research skills that are applicable to all careers. Finally, I was able to attend a supreme court hearing, which was a great opportunity.”
-POGO Intern 2014, current Public Health Professional
“The investigative and sourcing skills, mentality and attention to detail that I honed that summer help me often in my current work as a journalist.”
-POGO Intern 2009, current Reporter for the Wall Street Journal
“I learned so much about researching, writing, grant proposals, social media, public speaking, interviewing. It was a fantastic experience that broadly prepared me in so many ways. Also the leadership was fantastic and very supportive of professional development. They also had my back in so many tricky situations I encountered as a new, green young person entering the work world for the first time.”
-POGO Intern 2000, current Development/grants Professional
“I had an excellent experience at the Project on Government Oversight as a legal intern. I was able to co-write articles, learn about the legislative appropriations process, and work with passionate and talented individuals on ethics reform. I would highly recommend interning at POGO to anyone interested in public policy, and administrative law.”
-POGO Intern 2022, current law school student
“Interning with POGO was an incredibly meaningful and worthwhile experience that has helped clarify my legal career goals. Being able to grow and expand my legal skills while working on such timely and significant issues was a rewarding internship experience. Contributing to the extremely important efforts that POGO is working hard on was one of the highlights of my legal career so far. Further, the friendliness and support of everyone working at POGO made the experience by far one of the most memorable and welcoming workplaces that I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have been part of.”
-POGO Intern 2022, current law school student
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