Championing Responsible National Security Policy

Ensuring the Health and Safety of Service Members

The Problem

The Problem

Pentagon leaders are failing to put the health and safety of service members first. Our troops struggle to get the equipment and services they need to stay safe and healthy on the battlefield and at home — even as the Pentagon’s budget approaches $1 trillion. The health and safety of service members should be the Pentagon’s highest priority, yet it’s clear leaders are falling down on the job. Pentagon leaders have wasted billions of dollars on overly fancy weapons systems that don’t work while deprioritizing the equipment and services our troops really need to stay safe and healthy. That’s why we are pushing the Pentagon to get its priorities straight.

Collage of individual soldiers in uniform and a map of the United States
Quick Facts

Did you know?

Far too many troops and their families deal with unsafe housing. Issues like mold in on-base housing have created health hazards for our troops.

An April 2023 report found that the Navy underreports fire incidents and doesn’t have a process for collecting details to help prevent future problems.

What’s at Stake

What’s at Stake

Military Families Say On Base Housing Is Making Them Sick

The Pentagon entered into lengthy contracts with private companies to provide housing to service members and their families. These complicated contracts allow substandard housing and left service members with questions in their battles with landlords.

Read our investigation

Service Members Aren’t Getting the Health Care They Need

The military’s not acting on recommendations to improve mental health care. Moreover, it faces chronic shortages of doctors and nurses. The result is that military personnel and their families continue to suffer. 

Read our investigation

Noncitizen Veterans Can Be Deported After Their Service

The U.S. has deported noncitizen veterans who’ve been convicted of crimes, even when the offenses were minor. Those who have served our country don’t deserve this overly harsh punishment, and the government must do more to protect our veterans.

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