Coalition Thank You Letter to Senators Voting in Favor of McCain-Levin Amendment
Dear Senator,
The undersigned groups would like to thank you for voting to support the best interest of the troops and taxpayers by supporting the Levin-McCain amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010. As Defense Secretary Robert Gates has pointed out, the F-22 provides an important niche capability for the Air Force, but it is not in the best interest of our national security to continue to procure additional F-22s at the expense of other, more pressing priorities. We appreciate that given the current economic climate that it was a difficult vote, but thank you for taking into consideration the long term security needs of citizens. Your support is essential to instilling accountability into the defense procurement process. This landmark vote marks the end of business as usual, and the beginning of real reform in Washington.
American Friends Service Committee | National Priorities Project |
American Progressive Caucus Policy Foundation | National Security Project of the Progressive Policy Institute |
Americans for Democratic Action | NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby |
Arms and Security Initiative, New America Foundation | Pax Christi USA: National Catholic Peace Movement |
Arms Control Association | Peace Action |
Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities | Physicians for Social Responsibility |
Center for American Progress Action Fund | Project On Government Oversight |
Center for International Policy | Taxpayers for Common Sense |
Coalition on Human Needs | 3D Security Initiative |
Common Cause | |
Council for a Livable World | United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries |
Economists for Peace & Security | USAction |
Foreign Policy in Focus | VoteVets |
Friends Committee on National Legislation | Win Without War |
Global Green USA | Women's Action for New Directions |
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