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Policy Letter

POGO Endorses Mark-up of Bipartisan SUSPEND Act, Reforming the Suspension and Debarment System

October 28, 2013

Chairman Darrell E. Issa and Ranking Member Elijah Cummings

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform

2157 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Issa and Ranking Member Cummings,

The Project On Government Oversight endorses the “Stop Unworthy Spending Act” of 2013 or the SUSPEND Act. The bill would create the Board of Suspension and Debarment, providing a centralized body to manage the suspension and debarment system. The consolidation of suspension and debarment functions would add transparency as well as consistent and fair treatment to the current system that is spread across the government, and within agencies, with varied results. POGO’s goal is to ensure that federal taxpayer dollars are awarded to responsible contractors and grantees, and the SUSPEND Act is a leap in that direction.

While we support the SUSPEND Act, we hope to continue to work with the Committee to make technical improvements before the bill is voted upon on the House floor.


Scott H. Amey

General Counsel