Policy Letter

POGO Letter to Bill Richardson, Department of Energy regarding the moving of the Moab uranium tailings pile from the Colorado River

The Honorable Bill Richardson

Department of Energy

1000 Independence Ave., SW

Washington, DC 20585

Dear Secretary Richardson:

I am writing to congratulate you on your courageous leadership in asking for the authority to move the Moab uranium tailings pile from the Colorado River. Because of your vision, four endangered species of fish and 25 million Americans will hopefully be protected from this looming environmental menace.

Your decision is crucial to bringing to fruition the efforts of Interior Secretary Babbitt, and Representatives George Miller, Chris Cannon, Grace Napolitano, Bob Filner and Shelley Berkley.

As you know, POGO has been working for an effective resolution to this urgent problem. We are jubilant that you are moving the federal government to do the right thing and clean-up the site. We look forward to learning more about the specifics of your plan and working to make that plan become a reality.


Danielle Brian

Executive Director