Sign on letter from over 70 organizations supporting H.R. 1431 in the House and S. 606 in the Senate to ensure the independence of the EPA National Ombudsman
Chairman James Jeffords
Environment and Public Works Committee
410 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Chairman Jeffords,
Our organizations are writing in support of S. 606, the Ombudsman Reauthorization Act of 2001. As you know, the very essence of an ombudsman is to stand apart from the agency and to perform independent investigations. Discretion over which cases an ombudsman looks into, without having to ask permission from anyone within the organization, is essential for the effectiveness of that position. Should the ombudsman be, or appear to be, controlled by the agency whose work he is meant to investigate, his recommendations and findings of fact would be suspect, compromising the integrity and legitimacy of the position.
Unfortunately, under the current structure, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) national hazardous waste ombudsman is located within the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), the department whose decisions he is responsible for investigating. Furthermore, his budget and staffing resources are controlled by OSWER management. The regional ombudsmen's independence is also severely limited or non-existent.
The recent move by Administrator Whitman to place the function in the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) in January, 2002, is not an adequate solution. It would, in fact, further bury the ombudsman function. It appears the IG will determine which cases get investigated or not, and the ombudsman still will not have any staff, will not have supervisory authority over the regional ombudsmen, and will have no budget.
The General Accounting Office (GAO) has come to the same conclusions that we have. In their recently released report, "EPA's National and Regional Ombudsmen Do Not Have Sufficient Independence," the GAO concluded that, in relation to the ombudsmen's independence:
- The ombudsmen are not independent of the organizational units they are responsible for investigating;
- The national ombudsman should be located outside OSWER, the unit he is responsible for investigating;
- The regional ombudsman program should be reexamined and, if that program is necessary, should be consistent with relevant professional standards;
- The national ombudsman should be provided with his own budget and should have direct control over his staff; and
- The national ombudsman should be accountable for his activities through a publicly available annual report.
The national ombudsman serves the invaluable function of being the last recourse available to communities affected by Superfund and other hazardous waste sites. The ombudsman is also, in some cases, the first official to adequately investigate and resolve the problems faced by these communities. Ensuring an independent ombudsman function also ensures citizens with protection too frequently denied them by the EPA.
S. 606 is vital to establish a truly independent ombudsman function. It establishes and ensures independence for the national ombudsman by creating an Office of Ombudsman within the EPA and making the ombudsman report directly to the Administrator; ensures independence for the regional ombudsmen by placing the positions under the supervision of the national ombudsman; provides the ombudsman with budget and staffing resources and control over those resources; and makes the ombudsman accountable by requiring him to publish an annual report on his activities.
We urge you and your colleagues on the Environment and Public Works Committee to cosponsor and quickly pass this legislation.
20/20 Vision
James Wyerman, Executive Director
Aberdeen Proving Ground Restoration Advisory Board
Theodore. J. Henry, MS
Toxicologist and Community Involvement Specialist Community Member
Alaska Community Action on Toxics
Pamela K. Miller, Program Director
Alaska Waveriders
Mike Macy, Director of Public Policy
Alberton Community Coalition for Environmental Health
Lucinda Hodges, Director
American Friends Service Committee
Northeast Ohio Office
Greg Coleridge, Director, Economic Justice & Empowerment Program
Arrest the Incinerator Remediation (AIR)
Vicki Smedley, Chair
Berks Coalition Against Toxic Sludge (BCATS)
Judith A. Fasching, President
Biosolids Information Group
C. W. Williams, Chairman
Cetacean Society International
William W. Rossiter, President
Chemical Weapons Working Group
Craig Williams, Director
Citizens Concerned about Nuclear Waste Impacts
Sonja Geoghegan, Co-Founder
Citizens for Environmental Justice (CFEJ)
Suzie Canales, Chair
Citizens for a Future New Hampshire
Caroline Snyder, Ph.D., President
Citizens United for Responsible Environmentalism (CURE)
Jacqueline Cooperman, Director, South Bronx CURE
Cold Mountain, Cold Rivers
Darrell Geist, Executive Director
Common Ground
Dr. Richard Futrell, Steering Committee
Concerned Citizens of Lake Township
Christine Borello, President
Don't Waste Arizona, Inc.
Stephen M. Brittle, President
Environmental Association for Great Lakes Education (EAGLE)
Craig Minowa, Projects Coordinator
Environmental Health Watch
Stuart Greenberg, Director
Environmental Science Research Associates
Ben Oostdam, Ph.D., Managing Director
Faith & Life Resources Builder Magazine
David Hiebert, Editor
Friends of the Earth
Gawain Kripke, Director, Economic Campaigns
Friends of Miller Peninsula State Park
Darlene Schanfald, President
Garden Club of Tarpon Springs
Mary Mosley, Conservation Chairman
Glynn Environmental Coalition
Daniel Parshley, Project Manager
Government Accountability Project
Tom Devine, Legal Director
Grand Canyon Trust
Bill Hedden, Utah Conservation Director
Rick Hind, Legislative Director, Toxics Campaign
GreenWatch, Inc.
Bill Smedley, Executive Director
Halt Environmental Lead Pollution (HELP)
Susan Shortz, President
Jim Morris Environmental T-Shirt Co.
Jim Morris
Kentucky Environmental Foundation
Peter Hille, Chair
Legal Environmental Assistance Foundation, Inc.
Cynthia Valencic, Vice President for Programs
Patricia Anne Martin
Former Mayor, City of Quincy, WA
Montana-Coalition for Health, Environmental & Economic Rights (CHEER)
Tony Tweedale, Board Member
Montana Environmental Information Center
Anne Hedges, Program Director
Mothers Organized to Stop Environmental Sins (M.O.S.E.S.)
Phyllis Glazer, President and Founder
NYS Citizens Environmental Coalition
Jack D. Ossont, Board Member
Valerie Gardner, Co-Chair
National Center for Environmental Health Strategies, Inc.
Mary Lamielle, Executive Director
National Sludge Alliance
Charlotte Hartman, Coordinator
National Whistleblower Center
William Sanjour, Senior Advisor
Non-Stockpile Chemical Weapons Citizen Coalition
Elizabeth Crowe, Director
Olympic Environmental Council
Steve Koehler, President
Pennsylvania Environmental Network (PEN)
Vicki Smedley, President
Pennsylvania Environmental Network (PEN)
Dioxin Team
Vicki Smedley, Team Leader
Pennsylvania Environmental Network (PEN)
Military Toxics Team
Tina Daly, Chair
Pennsylvania Environmental Network (PEN)
Sludge Team
Tina Daly, Chair
Physicians for Social Responsibility
SF-Bay Area Chapter
Robert M. Gould, MD, President
Pi-Pa-TAG (Pinellas-Pasco Counties Technical Assistance Grant)
Heather Malinowski, Secretary
Protect All Children's Environment
E.M.T. O'Nan, Director
Protect the Peninsula's Future
Eloise Kailin, President
Public Citizen
Joan Claybrook, President
Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER)
Jeff Ruch, Executive Director
Rocky Mountain Arsenal Site Specific Advisory Board
John Yelenick, Co-Chairperson
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
Tom Marshall
Shenandoah County Alliance Against Toxic Sludge (SCAATS)
Charlotte H. Hughes, Secretary
Silver Valley People's Action Coalition
Barbara Miller, Director
Snake River Alliance
Gary E. Richardson, Executive Director
Take Off Unknowns in Communities (TOXIC)
Inese Holte, Director of Communications
Trans Alaska Gas System Environmental Review Committee
Mike Macy, Coordinator
Tri-State Environmental Council
Terri Swearingen, Executive Director
Grant Cope, Staff Attorney
United Parents Against Lead of North Carolina, Inc
Kristin Joyner, Director
Valley Watch, Inc.
John Blair, President
Washington Toxics Coalition
Laurie Valeriano, Policy Director
Waste Not
Ellen & Paul Connett, Editors
Wayne/Susquehanna RESCUE
Joann Morsch, President
Women's voices for the Earth (WVE)
Bryony Schwan, Executive Director
Yggdrasil Institute
Mary Byrd Davis, Director
POGO Staff
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