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Policy Letter

Taxpayer, Environmental and Union Groups Support Amendment to Ensure Oil Companies Pay Fair Share

Dear Representative Maloney:

In June, 2000 the Minerals Management Service (MMS) implemented a final oil valuation rule that collects $70 million more from oil companies for drilling on federal and Indian lands. As a result, the oil industry's decades-long practice of shortchanging the taxpayers was ended.

We are writing to voice our support for your Amendment that will ensure that fair market value is collected under Royalty in Kind programs as well.


Ross Coen, Executive Director, Alaska Forum for Environmental Responsibility

American Federation of Government Employees

Steve Holmer, Campaign Coordinator, American Lands Alliance

Kay Hollestelle, Executive Director & President, The Children's Foundation

John C. Horning, Watershed Protection Program, Forest Guardians

Gawain Kripke, Director of Economic Campaigns, Friends of the Earth

Jim Turner, Executive Director, HALT: Americans for Legal Reform

Alyssondra Campaigne, Legislative Director, Natural Resources Defense Council

Perry Shirley, Assistant Director, Navajo Nation Minerals Department

Danielle Brian, Executive Director, Project On Government Oversight

Joan Claybrook, President, Public Citizen

Wenonah Hauter, Director, Public Citizen's Critical Mass Energy & Environment Program

Cena Swisher, Director of Green Scissors Program, Taxpayers for Common Sense

Anna Aurilio, Legislative Director, U.S. PIRG

Marcia Hanscom, Executive Director, Wetlands Action Network

Sue Gunn, Director of Budget and Appropriations, The Wilderness Society

Dan Heilig, Executive Director, Wyoming Outdoor Council