The Open Government Partnership
The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global initiative to make governments more transparent, effective and accountable. POGO has been working with other civil society organizations to outline a series of recommendations that include many of the reforms POGO has long-sought and provide the Obama administration with several ideas to ensure a robust U.S. action plan.
POGO and Partners Call for a Presidential Advisory Committee on Open Government, September 8, 2011, Comments Submitted on the Development of the U.S. Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership by POGO and Several Civil Society Groups
Next Steps on Government Transparency and Openness, September 8, 2011, Comments Submitted on the Development of the U.S. Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership by, a Coalition Chaired by POGO
Openness Floor, September 7, 2011, Comments Submitted on the Development of the U.S. Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership by, a Coalition Chaired by POGO
Records management in an electronic environment, August 30, 2011, Comments Submitted on the Development of the U.S. Action Plan for the Open Government Partnership by POGO,, and Citizens for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington.
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