POGO: GSA Ruling on Trump Hotel Lease Should Be Challenged
WASHINGTON -- Project On Government Oversight (POGO) General Counsel Scott Amey released the following statement regarding the General Services Administration’s conclusion today that the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC does not violate the terms of the lease forbidding a benefit to elected officials:
“Powerful public officials should not profit from government deals. Period. This decision is a contorted reading of the lease and clearly violates its obvious intent.
The lease forbids any elected official from any share or benefit from the lease, and President Trump retains his ownership interest. This is a great example of why handing temporary management control of his businesses to his children is inadequate.
Because the president refuses to divest his assets and investments, federal agency after federal agency will be put in this kind of no-win situation. Certainly, this prisoner’s dilemma should not have been left up to a federal contracting officer.”
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