POGO Makes Public V-22 Osprey Test Report
The Pentagon's Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, Thomas Christie, says in a new report he is "concerned" that testing has not yet proven the V-22 Osprey Tilt-Rotor aircraft to be "operationally effective," but that he does not oppose a new decision to purchase 11 more of the aircraft.
POGO has obtained a copy of Christie's May 15 letter and report, first disclosed in a May 19th Bloomberg article, that was prepared for today's Defense Acquisition Board meeting on the V-22. (Click here to see the letter and report)
POGO has called for cancellation of the V-22 program, which has killed 30 people so far in testing. "The V-22 is a fundamentally flawed aircraft," said Eric Miller, POGO's Senior Defense Investigator. "The program has been propped up by intense lobbying, leading weapons developers and testers to lie, overestimate the aircraft's abilities, and hide problems."
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