POGO Provides Presidential Transition Teams Reform Priorities
Today the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is announcing the release of POGO's government reform priorities for the next administration. POGO has sent these to the transition teams for both presidential candidates. It believes these reforms will make the federal government more effective, accountable, open, and honest.
POGO's advice includes making agency missions more modern and relevant, protecting inherently governmental functions, improving whistleblower protections, halting the revolving door between the government and the private sector, increasing government transparency, and implementing multiple measures to improve and strengthen contract oversight.
"POGO has worked for 27 years towards building a more accountable federal government," said POGO Executive Director Danielle Brian. "Our experience provides us with unique expertise to identify the major systemic problems the next administration faces and the changes necessary to solve them."
In addition to creating a more responsible government, POGO believes implementing the reforms outlined can also result in significant savings for taxpayers.
"While it is always a goal to have the best possible government at the lowest feasible cost, it is even more imperative given the financial crisis our country faces that the next President more effectively use government resources," said Brian. "POGO believes our recommendations will make significant strides towards shrinking the cost of government operations, while at the same time making them work better."
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