POGO Supports Whistleblower Review
Senate Subcommittee on Contracting Oversight Chair Senator Claire McCaskill, Ranking Member Senator Susan Collins, and Senator Robert Bennett sent a letter September 16 to Department of State Under Secretary for Management Patrick Kennedy raising new concerns about ongoing retaliation against whistleblowers from ArmorGroup, the contractor currently providing security for the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan. They requested a comprehensive review of the retaliation allegations as part of the State Department’s ongoing review of ArmorGroup’s performance.
“The allegations of retaliation underscore the importance of immediate congressional action to provide effective whistleblower protections for federal employees and contractors,” stated POGO Executive Director Danielle Brian. “POGO applauds Senators McCaskill, Collins, and Bennett for raising their concerns about the life-threatening situation the courageous whistleblowers stationed in Kabul have found themselves.”
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