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A Closed-Door Policy

A Closed-Door Policy

Delivered to our subscribers on Thursdays, the new version of The Bridge is an email exclusive product that wades through...

November 16, 2023 | Spurthi Kontham

Trouble on the Home Front

Trouble on the Home Front

Delivered to our subscribers on Thursdays, the new version of The Bridge is an email exclusive product that wades through...

November 02, 2023 | Spurthi Kontham

Justice is further delayed at Camp Lejeune

Justice is further delayed at Camp Lejeune

Delivered to our subscribers on Thursdays, the new version of The Bridge is an email exclusive product that wades through...

October 26, 2023 | Spurthi Kontham

The True Cost of Telling the Truth

The True Cost of Telling the Truth

Whistleblowers save the government (and taxpayers) billions of dollars when they speak out against fraud and waste committed by federal contractors. But insufficient whistleblower protections make it so their honesty can cost them.

October 12, 2023 | Spurthi Kontham

Crash Course: V-22 Osprey

Crash Course: V-22 Osprey

The V-22 Osprey has been touted as the aircraft of the future. But its troubling track record of crashes should give us all pause.

September 28, 2023 | Spurthi Kontham

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    The Bunker logo, done in military stencil, in front of the Pentagon building
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    The Paper Trail logo in front of government buildings in Washington, DC